Home » 5 Reasons to Study the Book of Genesis
5 Reasons to Study the Book of Genesis
December 23, 2022 |
Does Genesis seem overwhelming to you? Here are five reasons to take the time and effort to study the book of Genesis.
5 Reasons to Study the Book of Genesis

Out of all of the books in the Bible, I would venture to guess that Genesis is the most read. I think back to all of the times I set out at the beginning of the year to read the Bible through in that year. I always managed to make it all the way through Genesis even if I bailed on my reading plan shortly thereafter. Even then, I felt like I was reading something I already knew. Having grown up in church, I had sat through the flannel graph lessons about creation, the Garden of Eden, Noah’s ark, and the coat of many colors. I felt I had a good grasp on the content of Genesis. 

You may find yourself in the same boat and wondering why you need to go back and study a book you already know. Or you may be thinking you don’t want to spend time in Genesis because you don’t want to feel guilty. After all, you could never do what Abraham did and leave everything and everyone you’ve ever known without a destination in mind. Or you could never preach for 100 years without a single convert while becoming the laughing stock like Noah did. Or you can totally relate to a mother telling her son to lie to his father the way Rebekah told Jacob to lie to Isaac. Or you could never do what Joseph did and forgive your siblings for selling you as a slave.

Whether you think you have a good grasp on the book of Genesis or you’re just afraid to read the book, let me encourage you with these five reasons you should study the book:

Genesis Is the Inspired Word of God

While this reason could probably go without saying, many so-called Christians have started to cast doubt on the inspiration of Scripture, primarily attacking Genesis itself, so it is important we understand this fundamental truth. While God used humans to pen the words of the Bible, He is the author of every single word (2 Timothy 3:16). He told those human writers what to write and what to leave out of their writings.

God provided the content of the book of Genesis. He knows what we need to know and what will be a distraction, so He gave us exactly what we need in order to fulfill His purposes. We should study Genesis because God wants us to study it.

Genesis Is Foundational to Christianity

Many scholars refer to the book of Genesis as the seed plot of the Bible—the place where all the other stories and principles in the Bible begin. When we encounter events in the rest of the Old Testament and even into the New Testament, we can tie them back to where they began: Genesis. Our very purpose is rooted in the events described in the book.

Genesis establishes the metanarrative of Scripture: Creation, fall, redemption, restoration. This is the overarching theme of the entire Bible, linking every seemingly random account to all of the others. This metanarrative given in Genesis helps us interpret the whole of Scripture. The book of Genesis provides the context for everything we read in the Bible, so we should study it to help us better understand everything else we study in Scripture.

All of Human History Begins in Genesis


Genesis begins our family tree. Through its genealogies we can trace how mankind fulfilled God’s command to replenish the earth not only through the blessed offspring, but also through the rebellious offspring. We also learn how God started over with Noah from the lineage of Seth and through the lineage of Shem. We read story after story of people just like us, doing things just like we do, suffering just like we do, and messing up just like us.

Though many try to argue that Genesis is allegorical or metaphorical, Genesis is an accurate historical narrative intended to be taken as fact. Moses, the human author, is telling the people of Israel where they came from, where they are going, and how they should live in light of those facts. He doesn’t pull punches as he recounts all of the ugly events so the Jews could learn from their ancestors’ mistakes (1 Corinthians 10:6).

We should study the book of Genesis so we know where we came from and can learn from others’ mistakes and triumphs. Studying the book helps us understand the importance of obedience in spite of our own reason. It creates a firm foundation for a faith-based salvation.

The Entire Bible Is a Book about God, Including Genesis

Through the events of the book of Genesis, we get to know who God is and how He works.

  • We see His omnipotence (all-powerfulness) in the creation of the world.
  • We see His love for His creation as He longs to give them everything good.
  • We see His kindness in His provision of a way of redemption after mankind damages the relationship with Him.
  • We see His justice in the consequences for sin, including when time runs out to repent.
  • We see His mercy in sparing a remnant for the human race.
  • We see His long-suffering patience in the life of Methuselah.
  • We see His generosity in the lives of Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph.
  • We see His omniscience when His people lie.
  • We see His faithfulness when He provides a ram for Abraham’s sacrifice.

And the list goes on and on. Genesis is a picture of God’s first encounters with mankind and shows us who He is. It helps us hold the tension between the fear of the Lord and confidence in who He is (Romans 15:4). Genesis gives us our purpose and presents God’s plan of redemption for the first time.

When Jesus spoke of the book of Genesis, He confirmed that it speaks of Him (John 5:39-42). So when Moses wrote about creation, Jesus was there. When he wrote about God walking in the garden with Adam and Eve, Jesus was there. When he wrote about Noah and the ark, Jesus was there, etc. We should study the book of Genesis because it will give us insight not only into God the Father, but into the Trinity as a whole—the Godhead.

The Devil Doesn’t Want You to Study Genesis

If you have a rebellious streak like I do, perhaps one of the most compelling reasons to study Genesis is because Satan doesn’t want us to. At every turn, we are seeing the enemy attack the truth in Genesis, whether it be through evolution, transgenderism, even climate change. If he can get us to doubt the truth of the book of Genesis, then he can get us to walk away from Christianity all together. So if we are firmly rooted through our study of Genesis, we will be armed to recognize the lies of the world. I will dive deeper into this topic in a future post.

There are many reasons to study Genesis, and I know this list is not exhaustive. My hope is that this short list has shown you, like it did me, that you may not know Genesis as well as you thought you did. I pray you will make the investment of time and effort to open your Bible to the beginning and walk through the fifty chapters of Genesis. Loving God is not just about our feelings, but also about our knowledge. We are to love God with all our hearts, but we are also to love Him with all our minds (Luke 10:27).

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  1. Heather S.

    I also have read Genesis many times although have read through the complete Bible only once. I have recently studied Revelation and Acts and was planning to start the Epistles. Your encouragement has changed my mind and I will start Genesis this week. I look forward to your future articles on the subject.

    • Kelli Garms

      I’m so glad you will be studying Genesis, though I would be just as thrilled to know you were studying the epistles. The best way to get in on our Genesis study is to join the Bible Study Academy. You’ll get a weekly email along with access to community. We also memorize Scripture together. You are welcome to join us!


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I teach women to study the Bible on their own so they don’t have to depend on someone else to tell them what it means. Then we apply what we’ve learned, being faithful to walk as Scriptures instructs us.

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For Further Reading: