Bible Study Basics: Approach the Bible with Confidence

Have you ever been intimidated by the Bible? Maybe you decided to finally read it, only to walk away confused, bogged down, and even bored. You look around and find people who LOVE the Scriptures and could talk about them, but you just don’t get it!

You know you’re supposed to read the Bible because, as a Christian, you’ve been taught that the Bible is God’s Word, that it’s “living and active,” and that it is life changing, but what does that even mean? what does it look like?

This mini course will give you the tools you need to approach the Bible with confidence!

Hi, I’m Kelli! For years, I struggled to study the Bible on my own. I relied on others to explain it to me, and I always felt like I was missing something. But once I learned how to study the Bible for myself, everything changed. Now, I’m here to help you experience that same transformation.

Imagine opening the Bible and feeling completely confident in what you’re reading. It can happen!

In this course you will learn to reframe your thinking about your time in the Word, learn what the Bible is and why you can trust it, and get tips on how to get started and what to do when you’re stuck.

Bible Study Basics Course

In this course you’ll get:

  • Renew Your Mind: A module that helps you reframe your thinking about Bible study so you can study the Word the way God intended.
  • The Bible: A module that walks you through the structure of the Bible, details about the Old and New Testaments, and the attributes of Scripture so you know you can trust it.
  • Your Study: A module that gives you tips for getting started and for getting unstuck.
  • Bonus #1: Several lessons teaching you how to read the different literary genres in the Word of God, including the overarching story or metanarrative.
  • Bonus #2: Lessons on Bible study techniques so you can get the most out of your study time.
  • Resources: Within the modules you’ll find different resources that will help you dive deeper into that particular area of study, including blog posts, articles, books, and podcast episodes.
  • Worried you won’t have time? The course is self-paced, so you can fit it into your schedule. The lessons are short so they won’t take up much of your time. I want you to spend your time in the Word, so I’ve kept it short but powerful!
  • Afraid you won’t understand? The lessons are simple, clear, and easy to follow, with practical examples. They are bite-sized pieces of information so they are easily digested.
  • Think you don’t need a course? If you’ve ever felt confused or unsure during your Bible study, this course will give you the tools you need to gain clarity and confidence.

Why this course?

In our crazy times, nothing is more important than being grounded in God’s Word. While society keeps changing the rules and the ground under our feet feels unstable, God’s Word never changes, and it is the anchor we need so we don’t get tossed by the waves of culture.

But the Bible can be intimidating, boring, and downright confusing. This course is the best place to start!

You may have downloaded my FREE workbook, Learn to Study the Bible, which gives you a step-by-step process to follow from reading the Word to cross-referencing and consulting commentaries so you can apply it to your life and be transformed from the inside out. But you may be overwhelmed by the workbook. In that case this course is for you. It fills the gap the workbook creates.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the fundamentals of Bible study so your time in the Word can change your life!

Are you ready to get started?