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Christian Books Worth Reading
A list of ten fiction books and ten nonfiction books written by Christian authors that I recommend. I hope you enjoy these selections!
Navigating High School Electives: A Guide to Tailoring Homeschooling for Future Success
Let’s discuss some tips for tailoring your homeschooled high school student’s electives to set him or her up for success.
Meditation Beyond the Pages: 4 Bible Study Techniques
Let’s unpack 4 Bible study techniques to help you meditate on God’s Word throughout the day instead of forgetting about it until tomorrow.
Navigating the Maze of Bible Versions
With so many Bible versions available to us, how do we know which one is best? Let’s take the guess works out of it!
Beyond Traditional Bible Reading: How to Connect and Understand
Is reading through the Bible in a year a commitment you aren’t ready to make? Here is an alternative Bible reading plan.
From Doubt to Devotion: Lessons from Habakkuk
From questioning God’s plan to embracing unwavering devotion—dive deep into the lessons of Habakkuk, uncovering a path from doubt to trust.
Unraveling the Mystery of Job: Lessons on Suffering and Faith
Journey through the Book of Job, an often confusing text. Explore invaluable lessons and uncover hope in the midst of life’s trials.
How to Navigate Suffering: Lessons from Job
We know we’ll face suffering in this life, and Job teaches us how to navigate it as Christians, without losing our faith.
Is Your Suffering a Reward?
What if your suffering isn’t a result of a sin you’ve committed but is instead a reward? Let’s look at some lessons from the book of Job.
How To Read the Book of Job
Reading the book of Job can be challenging as we try to navigate Job’s sorrow and the advice of his friends in light of who God is.
Why We Should Study the Book of Romans
While the book of Romans is difficult, it is worth the effort to learn how we should interact with other believers, the world, and God.
When Does Christian Liberty Cross the Line?
We know we are no longer under the Mosaic Law, but it’s also not a free-for-all. So where does our Christian liberty end and where do our boundaries begin?
How to Read an Epistle in Scripture
Each epistle in Scripture is for our benefit, but there are specific things we must look for if we are going to interpret them correctly.
How to Build Mutual Trust with Your Kids
Are you wondering how to foster trust with your kids that will last long into adulthood? Here are some helpful tips you can implement now.
Are Head Coverings a Biblical Command?
Are head coverings for women in worship a biblical command? Dale Partridge thinks so, and he wrote a book about it. Is he right?
Let’s Connect!
Hi! I’m Kelli!
I teach women to study the Bible on their own so they don’t have to depend on someone else to tell them what it means. Then we apply what we’ve learned, being faithful to walk as Scripture instructs us.
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