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My Freedom Box Story

My Freedom Box Story

“Amazon Donates $10 Million to Black Lives Matter Organizations” That was the headline that started it all for me. It was my “inciting moment.” Not only had small businesses shut down or been destroyed while Amazon and big box stores doubled, tripled, even 10xed their...

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Book Review: Eve in Exile by Rebekah Merkle

Book Review: Eve in Exile by Rebekah Merkle

Rebekah Merkle's book, Eve in Exile, is clear, concise, and witty, making for a fun and easy read on a complicated topic: feminism. Few books have left me with so much food for thought as Rebekah Merkle’s book Eve in Exile. In this book, Merkle explains some daunting...

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Are Christians Commanded To Be Nice?

Are Christians Commanded To Be Nice?

Are we commanded to be "nice"? For too long we have allowed an unbelieving world to tell us what it looks like to be a Christian. So what does the Bible actually say about it? One of my favorite preachers, Voddie Baucham, Jr., is known to point out that, in our...

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Let’s Connect!


Hi! I’m Kelli!

I teach women to study the Bible on their own so they don’t have to depend on someone else to tell them what it means. Then we apply what we’ve learned, being faithful to walk as Scripture instructs us.

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