As believers, we know we need to read the Bible. I remember songs I sang as a kid to remind me to “read your Bible, pray every day, and you’ll grow, grow, grow.” Oftentimes we just don’t know where to start. Do I look up a topic in the concordance and read all the passages it lists? Do I start in Genesis and work my way through to Revelation (knowing full well I won’t get past Leviticus)? Do I close my eyes, open my Bible, and point to a passage, “letting the Holy Spirit guide my study”?
Throughout the years, I have come across many study tools to help me with not only reading my Bible, but also applying it to my daily life. I have taken what has worked for me and implemented it in my study time. I pray these tips will ease some of the pressure and frustration when it comes to reading your Bible.
Tip 1: Prepare to hear from the Holy Spirit.
- Don’t approach this time as merely an opportunity to check off a box on your “to do” list but as a time to learn about Who God is.
- Find a place away from distraction (keep a pen and paper handy for the thoughts that won’t let you concentrate).
- Pray the Holy Spirit will calm your mind and show you what He has for you today. Not every day will bring an earth-shattering revelation, but as your knowledge builds, those moments will happen.
Tip 2: Read/study through a book of the Bible.
- You don’t have to start in Genesis, but you should choose a book to work through from beginning to end so you aren’t pulling verses out of context to suit your needs.
- If you are a new believer and want to get a handle on what Jesus taught, I recommend starting with the book of John.
- If you are a “seasoned” believer and want to know more about a practical faith lived out, I recommend the book of James.
- If you want a short book just to get your feet wet, the Epistles or some of the minor prophets in the Old Testament would fit the bill.
- Honestly, you can’t go wrong here. Just choose a book and work your way through it.
Tip 3: It doesn’t have to look a certain way.
- Choose a time of day that works for you. When is your mind sharpest? When do you do your best learning?
- Begin reading and stop when you feel led. You don’t have to read a whole book, chapter, or even paragraph in one sitting. There are some short sections that take a while to fully unpack.
- Don’t think you must have the “right” Bible, the best pens, or the brightest highlighters to get started. Just start.
Tip 4: Find a guide to help with personal application.
- If all you can do is read your Bible, then do that. But if you want to dig a little deeper and see how the Bible, a book that was written so long ago, applies to your life today, ask some questions.
- I have found many lists throughout the years, so I know you can search them out for yourself, but here are a few I like to ask:
- What is happening in the passage? (I like to write it out in my own words.)
- What is God teaching me about Himself? Which attribute does this passage demonstrate? (Do a search for the attributes of God if needed.)
- What is the spiritual principle addressed? Is it pointing out a sin, giving a command, making a promise, etc.?
- How should this principle change me (my attitude, behavior, commitment, expectation, etc.)?
- How can I pray this passage? (I like to write out a short prayer.)
There is nothing wrong with using Bible studies or apps to help with your study. I use the First5 app, the swHw app, and the Blue Letter Bible app. But everything must be tested against Scripture before it is fully trusted. People are fallible, Scripture is not.
Thank you for your insight from over the years. The Lord saved me about 9 years ago. This article and your suggestions are helpful. There are so many study methods out there.
I could not wait to dig in to my first passage using your 6 steps study guide!! I was already very familiar with Proverbs 3:5-8 so it was easy to use as a jumping off point. I struggle to be in the word and I am hoping this tool will help me work through the Bible one bite at a time.
I’m so glad it is helpful!