Key Verse: “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.” (Psalm 86:11)
I remember sitting around with my college friends talking about “God’s will for my life.” Why wouldn’t He tell me what He wanted me to do? Why didn’t He give me clear direction? Didn’t He know I was willing to do anything?
The truth was He had already told me what to do, and I wasn’t doing it. He wanted me to read His Word. He wanted me to spend time getting to know Him. He wanted me to walk with him. I was too busy chasing His will for my life to stop and listen to what He was saying to me.
In this Psalm, David reveals what it looks like to walk with God. It looks like learning His Word and living in His truth. It looks like having a heart that is unified, pursuing one goal: God.
The only way to learn His Word and Truth is to spend time reading the Bible. I know it can be intimidating, but you don’t need to be a theologian or have grown up in church to understand it. There are many tools to help you understand what you’re reading, and there are many different translations and paraphrases that will make it easier, too. Click here to learn some tips for beginners.
So many times we allow our hearts to be divided, wanting to pursue God but also wanting to pursue the things of this world. We can’t have a divided heart and also walk with God. Everything we do–whether it is a job, parenting our children, having coffee with friends–should support and reinforce our objective of pursuing God. Every decision we make should be filtered through this pursuit.
If you think about David’s life, there were many times he could have taken matters into his own hands or trusted the “wisdom” of men. Instead, he chose to wait for God’s timing. He knew what God had promised, and he trusted God would follow through. The only way for us to know what God has promised is to spend time with Him.
Scripture gives us other examples of men who walked with God. In Genesis 5, we meet Enoch. We are told that Enoch walked with God, and God didn’t allow him to experience death. He just took Enoch. The Bible also tells us that Noah walked with God, and when the entire population of this earth was destroyed in a flood, God spared Noah’s life. Your reward may not be this dramatic, but these men weren’t walking with God because of some great final reward. They did it because they understood the daily benefits and wisdom it would bring to their lives.
What changes do you need to make today to walk with God? What worldly standards are keeping you from having a unified heart?